Tips for your Kauai Jewish Wedding

Tips for your Kauai Jewish Wedding

Choosing your Kauai Jewish wedding date.

Jewish weddings are traditionally not performed on Shabbat and most holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, and others. Also traditionally, Jewish weddings do not take place during the counting of the omer between Passover and Shavuot, although customs do vary in that regard.

Rabbi Rob will help with this and can check the Jewish calendar as you prepare to select your wedding date.

Couples may choose to be married on Saturday at sundown. In that way they begin their ceremony with Havdalah. Did you know that Tuesdays are thought to be a special day for Jewish wedding? If you remember the expression, “God saw that it was good,” it appears twice on Tuesday.

What should I wear for your Kauai Jewish wedding?

It is definitely more casual here, and warmer too. Most couples choose to follow that island tradition. Having said that, for the ceremony, women still traditionally wear attire that covers their shoulders and men choose to wear Kippahs on their heads.

How long is a Kauai Jewish wedding ceremony?

A Kauai Jewish wedding ceremony typically ranges from 40-60 minutes depending on which readings and customs the couple choose to include. Extra time is needed for the Ketubah signing and the Bedecken.

Are Kauai Jewish weddings performed on Shabbat?

Traditionally, Kauai Jewish weddings are not performed on Shabbat or the High Holy Days, which is Rabbi Rob’s tradition.

If I’m a guest, should I bring a gift?

There is a long-standing Jewish tradition to gift the wedding couple with some increment of Chai ($18), which is to celebrate life.

How do we select our Kebubah?

A Ketubah, which literally means “it is written,” is your legal Jewish marriage contract. It has always been decorated with artist care and thoughtful choice of words. It is a centuries-old expression of Jewish artistry.

In today’s world, the Ketubah is less of a formal agreement and more a statement of the commitment to each other, to their love, and to their wedding. There are styles associated with Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.

There is gratefully a huge choice of Ketubah designs by talented Jewish artists worldwide. These come in modern and traditional styles and well as Western and Eastern themes.

Choosing your Ketubah design is an important decision for you as a couple, inasmuch as it is a written expression of your love. Following your Kauai Jewish wedding, newlyweds typically frame and display their ketubahs proudly in their home.

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